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V. Minutes - December 16, 2009, Approved
December 16, 2009

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Spang, Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart, Ms. McCrea and Mr. Desrocher.  Mr. Desrocher chaired the meeting.

20 Albion Street

In continuation of a previous meeting Joseph Salamone, 45 Beacon Street, Reading, submitted an application for Waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance for demolition of the house at 20 Albion Street.  

Ms. Guy noted that there was a site visit held on Saturday, December 12th.  

Mr. Hart stated that he went to the site visit and believed the style of the house was Greek Italianate and the style fit the estimated year built (1850s).  He stated that the basement is pretty low and not necessarily unique.  He stated that some of the finishes are not in good condition, but that it has good bones.  He stated that it is in a neighborhood of houses of similar vintage, and that they are not all fixed up.

Ms. Desrocher stated that he did not think the dormers looked original to the house.  

Mr. Hart stated that he would be in favor of having the owner rehabilitate the interior.  He stated that it is in reasonable condition and would hate to see it knocked down.

Ms. Guy read a letter submitted by Emily Udy, Preservation Project Manager for Historic Salem, Inc. offering their services for sensitive options.

Mr. Salamone stated that he would consider the HSI offer.  He stated that his concern is the house does not meet all his needs.  He stated that that he would like to have a workshop in the basement, but because a person cannot stand up there, it is not usable space.  He noted that there is water seeping into the basement and it is damp down there.  He stated that it was not financially feasible to raise the house up and redo the foundation.  He added that more of a concern is that the second floor does not have enough headroom, noting that the bathroom height is less than six feet.  He stated that he would have to raise the roof and that the numbers don’t make sense.

Ms. Harper asked if he would be living in the house.

Mr. Salamone replied in the affirmative.  He stated that he was willing to entertain ideas on the new design to make it fit with the neighborhood.

Mr. Desrocher stated that he was in favor of the owner speaking with HSI.

Mr. Hart stated that the basement is fieldstone foundation with a concrete floor.  He confirmed that the ceiling height is low.  He noted that there is a little bit of unevenness in the floors in the front part of the house, but nothing significant.  He stated that the kitchen in the rear part has significant slope.  He stated that he felt the house could be stabilized and renovated and that he did not feel that structurally it was ready to collapse.

Mr. Spang asked if the owner has priced out the project and has a contractor.

Mr. Salamone replied in the affirmative.

Emily Udy stated that HSI would be willing to consult with him regardless of the Commission’s decision.

Ms. Harper stated that she was also at the site visit and agreed it was a difficult home in contemporary terms, given the height of the basement and the size of the second floor rooms.

Mr. Desrocher suggested salvaging the front of the house and having new construction in the back, noting that it would allow for a new foundation in the back to create the cellar workroom.

Mr. Spang was in agreement.   He stated that the Commission has in the past tried to preserve streetscapes.

Mr. Salamone stated that the new design would maintain the line of the streetscape and would have a lot of characteristics of the existing.  It will be a very modest, 3 bedroom house, while the existing is 4 bedroom.  He provided a modified version of the design submitted at the last meeting, after taking into consideration the Commission’s design suggestions.  There was a covered porch in the prior design, which he removed.  He stated that he dressed up the entry way to make it look similar to the existing.  He added a walk-out bay on the bump out and continued the clapboard siding all the way up to the ridge.  He noted that the current house has zero setback and that the new house would meet current setback requirements.  He would still maintain the street line.  He noted that he has spoken with the neighbor next door and they are in favor.  The square footage will be approximately the same size.  He stated that he would start work as soon as he could obtain all permits, approximately the end of January.  He will need to go before the Zoning Board of Appeal.

Mr. Spang stated that the character defining features are the pitch of the roof and the cottage feel.  He stated that there are two opportunities -  1) keep the front and do something interesting in the back which could save cost or 2) new construction - both of which HSI is willing to help.  He noted that the door surround is really nice and felt it should be kept.  

Mr. Hart made a motion to continue to the next meeting (currently January 6th) to give the owner an opportunity to work with HSI.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

42 Warren Street

Todd & Jennifer Weissman presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of three double hung windows with wood, double glaze Andersen windows with pine interior.

Mark Mordini with Renewal by Andersen was present and provided a sample of the proposed window.  He stated that they can leave the existing molding on the outside.  The interior is pine and the exterior is composite - 40% wood and 60% polymer – called fibrex.  The window eliminates the need for storms.  They can match the gridwork and do ¾ or 1 1/8th muntins.    He noted that they are the only division of Andersen that installs its own product.

Ms. Weissman stated that they currently have 2 over 1 windows.  They will replace 1 in the rear, 1 in the rear side and one over the front door – all on the second floor.  They are currently wood, single pane.

Mr. Hart suggested looking into repairing the windows.  He stated that he had a problem with the proposed window sample because the muntin is in between the glass.  

Mr. Mordini stated that they can provide the windows with the muntins on the outside.

Ms. Weissman stated that they got a building permit last year to replace 3 windows (second floor front bay) with these Andersen windows; however they were replaced with 1 over 1.  She noted that the Building Inspector issued the permit for replacement without Historical Commission approval.

Mr. Hart stated that he would like to see the Anderson windows currently installed on the house.

Mr. Hart moved to continue to the next meeting.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

2 Barcelona Avenue & 342 Highland Avenue

Richard Pierro presented an application for Waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance for complete demolition of 2 Barcelona Avenue and 342 Highland Avenue to prepare the properties for commercial sale.  Attorney Pierre Rumpf was also present.

Attorney Rumpf stated that it is a business district and that there are no current plans for a new building.  He noted that 2 Barcelona was built in 1939 and 342 Highland was built in 1955.

Mr. Hart stated that the context of the two houses is kind of lost.  

Mr. Spang suggested moving 2 Barcelona to 20 Albion.

Mr. Rumpf stated that both houses have asbestos.  There is nickel in the soil and is being remediated now.  He noted that it was backfilled years ago and at that time there was not stringent requirement for quality.  An LSP has been on site as well as an excavator.  He stated that they would like to bulldoze next week for commercial appeal and marketing.  They have tried to sell it as is.  

Mr. Spang asked if they tried to see if anyone could move it.

Mr. Rumpf replied in the negative, noting that it would need a new foundation and with all the interior work, would not be financially feasible.  

Mr. Pierro stated that 2 Barcelona has been vacant since 2005 and that the tenants just moved out of 342 Highland in November.

Ms. Harper made a motion to waive the Demolition Delay Ordinance for both properties.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

105F & 105R Derby Street

Patrick J. McGimach and Emily Jay Shilling submitted an application for a Certificate of Non-applicability to remove a small section of rotted fence, which has already been completed due to safety.  The applicants will propose a replacement for all front fences in Spring in a separate application.

Mr. Hart made a motion to approve repair or replacement of the fence section already removed or submit a new fence application by June 1st.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

  • Ms. Guy stated that she provided another letter of support from the Commission for the jail project for an application for tax credits.
  •  Ms. Guy stated that she received a copy of the Project Notification Form for the St. Joseph’s complex redevelopment.  Copies were forwarded to Commission members.  She will place the review and comment on the January 6th agenda.

There being no further business, Ms. Harper made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission